The Aid and International Development Forum recently featured a guest blog post from Rajul Pandya-Lorch, Head of IFPRI’s 2020 Vision Initiative.
Strengthened resilience can help end hunger
Shocks, whether man-made or natural in origin, are a fact of life for citizens of both the developed and developing world. Building resilience in the face of growing threats such as extreme weather events, rising and highly volatile food prices, and the effects of global climate change is more important than ever. If we are >> Read more
Highlights from Conference Brief 5: Are Shocks Actually on the Rise?
From extreme weather events to rising and highly volatile food prices, poor and vulnerable populations are subject to a bevy of shocks that threaten their basic food and nutrition security. In the face of global climate change and other recent food price spikes, it seems to many that such events are occurring more and more >> Read more
Highlights from Conference Briefs 10, 17 and 19
There is a wide recognition that building the resilience of the rural poor—the most vulnerable group—requires helping the affected recover from various shocks, such as weather and nutritional shocks.
Brochure on “Building Resilience for Food and Nutrition Security”
What does resilience mean? What shocks can we expect in the future? Whose resilience needs to be built? What has worked to improve resilience for food and nutrition security in the past, and what are the key knowledge gaps?