IFPRI’s Director General, Shenggen Fan, joined Earnán O’Cléirigh of Irish Aid, Nick Chisholm of University College Cork, Connell Foley of Concern Worldwide, Nora Owen of the Institute of International and European Affairs (IIEA) and Rajul Pandya-Lorch of IFPRI at a seminar organized by the IIEA on November 17 in Dublin
Highlights from Conference Brief 18: Strengthening the links between resilience and nutrition
In the field of food policy, nutrition and resilience are strongly interlinked conceptually—and now Charlotte Dufour, Domitille Kauffmann, and Neil Marsland are trying to bind the two much more tightly in practice. Resilience, according to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), is “the ability to prevent disasters and crises as well >> Read more
Highlights from Conference Briefs 10, 17 and 19
There is a wide recognition that building the resilience of the rural poor—the most vulnerable group—requires helping the affected recover from various shocks, such as weather and nutritional shocks.
Brochure on “Building Resilience for Food and Nutrition Security”
What does resilience mean? What shocks can we expect in the future? Whose resilience needs to be built? What has worked to improve resilience for food and nutrition security in the past, and what are the key knowledge gaps?
Per Pinstrup-Andersen, Professor Emeritus at Cornell University, describes how to build resilience to food price and production shocks
Per Pinstrup-Andersen, Professor Emeritus at Cornell University, reflects on the importance of nutrition for building resilience and offers solutions to help poor people become more resilient in the face of fluctuations in food prices and production.