We are pleased to announce the IFPRI 2020 Conference on “Building Resilience for Food and Nutrition Security” to be held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, in May 2014.
The conference will bring together policymakers, academics, development practitioners, donors, and others to:
- Evaluate emerging shocks that pose significant threats to food and nutrition security.
- Assess experiences and draw lessons for using programs, policies, institutions, and investments to build resilience.
- Determine key approaches and tools for building resilience to shocks of varying levels.
- Identify knowledge and action gaps in research, policy, and programming.
- Set priorities for action by different actors and in different regions.
The three-day conference will feature an exciting program of keynote speakers, chaired plenary and parallel sessions, side events, and an interactive Knowledge Fair showcasing the latest on-the-ground initiatives on resilience for food and nutrition security.